Ensimag (Grenoble)
2022 - 2023: Bayesian Statistics (18 hours). Course website
École normale supérieure Paris-Saclay
2019 - now: Bayesian Machine Learning (24 hours, with R Bardenet), Master MVA. Course github + MVA website
Université Paris-Dauphine
2021 - now: Bayesian deep learning, Master Intelligence Artificielle, Systèmes Données (IADS)
2017 - now: Bayesian nonparametric statistics, Master Mathématiques, Apprentissage et Sciences Humaines (M*A*S*H). Course website
Summer Schools
2019: Bayesian nonparametric (15 hours), Jyväskylä Summer School, Finland
2018: Bayesian nonparametric (6 hours), Journées statistiques de Rochebrune, Megève, France
2017: Bayesian nonparametric methods for clustering (6 hours), School of Statistics for Astrophysics: Bayesian Methodology, Autrans, France
2016: Introduction to Bayesian Nonparametrics (2 hours), StaTalk Workshop, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Moncalieri, Italy
Université Grenoble Alpes/Inria Grenoble
2018 - 2019: Bayesian statistics (UGA). Course website
2017: Bayesian nonparametric statistics, PhD course at Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA). Course website
Collegio Carlo Alberto
2013 - 2016: Bayesian statistics. Syllabus, and a list of Bayesian (more or less classic) papers
2011 - 2013: Bayesian Statistics course at the Continuing Education office at Insee, CEPE. Syllabus
2008 - 2011: Junior Lecturer at Ensae
Applied statistics projects supervision.
Practical lessons for Master courses: Mathematics, Statistics, Computational statistics, Econometrics, Time series, Measure theory.